Welcome To Corpus Christi Primary School Waratah

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Welcome To Corpus Christi Primary School Waratah

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At Corpus Christi we believe that “At the Heart of Everything there is always Jesus Christ”. While Religious Education is a KLA within itself, we believe that this understanding of Jesus at the centre of all we do is embedded throughout all our actions, interactions and decision making - it is who we are. All programming of curriculum content across all KLAs includes Catholic perspectives embedded in the process of planning, teaching, learning and assessment opportunities.   

The classroom teaching of Religion aims to encourage students to find meaning and excitement in learning about the story, experiences and teachings of the Catholic Christian Tradition. We understand that through Religious Education we, the educators to whom the students have been entrusted, are helping them to understand and know Christ is present in their lives.

Through our Religious Education program, we intend to assist in the growth and change in each student’s life, helping them to find Christ through prayer, reflection and action. Religious Education at Corpus Christi is seen to be an important way of teaching and fostering gospel values, living Christ-like lives and encouraging decision making that encapsulates Christ’s truths of justice, mercy, compassion and love.

students giving speech