Welcome To Corpus Christi Primary School Waratah

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Welcome To Corpus Christi Primary School Waratah

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Complaints Resolution

The Catholic Schools Office (CSO) and Corpus Christi Primary School are committed to providing a positive, safe environment for all staff and students. There are occasions, however, when members of our school and wider community are concerned about something happening at a school that appears to be unsatisfactory or unreasonable.

The CSO has formal written protocols in place to address complaints and grievances. These protocols are in line with the Diocesan Complaints Resolution Policy, developed to provide a consistent approach for all diocesan schools. This policy aims to address the concerns of parents and carers and the wider community. These concerns may include children’s learning, behaviour and welfare, school organisation and management, student health and safety issues.

To lodge a complaint with the Catholic Schools Office please click here.
You can access the Catholic Schools Office Complaints and Resolutions Policy and resources here.