Newsletter Week 2 Term 2 2024
We look forward to our Mother's Day Liturgy and Breakfast this Friday. Gathering and sharing a meal as a community is a lovely event and one we look forward to.
It's a sight to see our mothers, step-mothers, grandmothers, aunties, and the women we hold dear in one place, and feeling collective love in our community during this celebration is something special.
As we reflect on our mothers and the incredible women in our lives this week, we turn our minds to Mary, our mother. These words from Pope Francis help us remember the selflessness and beauty of unconditional love that Mary models and we reflect on this in our lives.
Happy Mother's Day to the wonderful women in our community!
Seasons For Growth Wellbeing Program
Join us to celebrate Catholic Schools Week!
Catholic Schools Week aims to raise awareness and celebrate the strengths and distinctiveness of Catholic schools. We are proud of our Catholic School community here in Waratah and the many positive learning experiences that take place each and every day.
Please join us for a Liturgy and Open Classroom morning. We are looking forward to sharing learning games and activities in our classrooms.
Staff Development Day:
Friday 5 July (Last Day of Term 2 - School Closed)
Week 2:
Friday 10 May
Mother's Day Liturgy and Breakfast
Week 3:
Monday 13 May
Year 1 and 2 Excursion
Tuesday 14 May
School Spelling and Maths Bees
P&F Meeting 6:30pm
Wednesday 15 May
Diocesan Cross Country
Indigenous Students Day of Connection
Neighbourhood Companions Project Meeting (Diocesan Initiative) 5:30pm
Sunday 19 May
Parish Mass 5:30pm
Week 4:
Monday 20 May
Catholic Schools Week - Liturgy and Open Classrooms
Friday 24 May
Year 3 and 4 - Our Lady Help of Christian Mass 12pm (TBC)
Week 5:
Monday 27 May
Official Winter Uniform Changeover
Students may wear Summer or Winter Uniform up until 27 May.
May is the Month for Mary and Mothers
As Mother’s Day is fast approaching, we prepare to give thanks for all Mother
s and those who love us like a Mother. We also turn our attention to the greatest of all disciples, Mary.
Mary was Jesus’ mother and loved him dearly, Christians worldwide honour her and respect her and try to be like her. Throughout the month of May, we take a special look at how Mary is a model of following Jesus.
In times of struggle, she had hope and faith in God. She showed wisdom, trust and patience as Jesus grew. Mary tried to protect Jesus and keep Him safe. There were times when Jesus caused Mary great stress and worry, but Mary always listened to her son, Jesus, and tried to understand Him. She was His biggest advocate and supporter.
In a very different age, we can still relate to Mary in our own lives, in our relationships with our children and in our relationship with Jesus.
You may like to take some time at home to ask your children the following questions:
Who in your life loves and cares for you the way Mary loves Jesus?
Can you think of a time in your life when you needed the help and support of a loved one?
Mother’s Day Breakfast and whole school Liturgy |
Friday 10th May. 7:45 breakfast 8:50a.m Liturgy School grounds |
Parish/Family Mass. All families invited |
Sunday 19th May 5:30p.m Corpus Christi Church |
Catholic Schools Week Liturgy and Open Classrooms |
Monday 20th May 9a.m Liturgy, open classrooms from 9:20a.m |
Years 3 and 4 Stage Mass for Feast of Our Lady Help of Christian |
Friday 24th May 12:00 in the Church |
Corpus Christi Feast Day Whole School Mass |
Monday 3rd June 9:15a.m in the church |
Sacrament of Confirmation |
Wednesday 12th June 6:30p.m Corpus Christi Church |
On Monday of Week 1, the teaching staff of Corpus Christi spent the day developing our school's strategic direction for student learning and improvement. The work of Michael McDowell, a celebrated educational author, guided the day. Staff worked towards developing a school-wide collaborative understanding of a culture of learning and improvement. This ties in with our Strategic Improvement Plan goal to implement consistent, evidence-based school-agreed-on pedagogies as part of the implementation of the new syllabuses in English and Maths.
Staff were highly engaged and enthusiastic about the work and the direction it will take us over the following months and years.
Some of the responses from staff when discussing the opportunity to implement evidence-based systems to maximise improvement were:
-The importance of reflecting on what is working and what isn't - data-driven planning is helpful in improving results
-Be open-minded to new ways of improving learning
-There is a vulnerability we need to embrace in change, in assessing what we are doing well and what we can improve.
-Students need a clear understanding of what will enhance their learning.
-The sharing of learning puts teacher in an activator role, constantly assessing student performance and beliefs and taking an active step in supporting students emotionally and cognitively.
As a teaching community we look forward to continuing our journey of constant improvement for ourselves and our students, using student data to drive learning.
Michael Deed
In Term 2, students in Years 2 and 4, will participate in the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). This test evaluates students' reasoning abilities in three key areas essential for success in school:
1. Verbal Battery: Assesses students' ability to reason with words and concepts, crucial for reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing, and verbal learning tasks.
2. Quantitative Battery: Measures students' ability to reason with quantitative symbols and concepts, which are vital for problem-solving in mathematics and other disciplines.
3. Nonverbal Battery: Evaluates students' ability to reason with geometric shapes and figures, requiring them to implement strategies for solving novel problems.
These batteries provide a snapshot of each student's learned reasoning abilities, identifying both strengths and areas for improvement. Our use of CogAT supports teachers to tailor and differentiate learning in the classroom. It's important to note that CogAT scores are not integrated into report grades or other measures of school achievement.
For Year 2 the test will occur on iPads for a short session over several mornings. For Year 4 the test will occur on laptops over several sessions on the one day. Headphones are required and each student should already have their own set in their classroom. There will be opportunities for catch up if your child misses a day.
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me,
Emma Conserdyne
Gifted Education Mentor
This fortnight our Veritas Value focus is BE A LEARNER- I will participate actively in all lessons.
Every lesson is essential for our students. Recently, teachers have discussed that every student should gain one year’s growth (or more) in one year. Missed learning opportunities through distraction (or absence) will significantly affect a student’s ability to grow in learning. Teachers are highly focused on providing high-quality learning experiences for our students. Our whole school data has shown us that our students who actively participate in every lesson are consistently growing more than one year, each year.
In the coming weeks we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide
feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at Corpus Christi Waratah
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. We will share the url via Compass soon.
eSafety Commissioner Parent Webinars
eSafety 101: How eSafety can help
This webinar provides an overview of the eSafety Commissioner, and supporting programs and resources for parents and carers, children and young people.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and secondary school.
Term 2 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
- Tuesday, 14 May: 12:30 pm
- Thursday, 6 June: 12:30 pm
Wellbeing and digital technologies
An overview of strategies to protect, respond to and support your child online. This webinar will focus on the digital skills to protect and support young people’s mental health and wellbeing online.
It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in secondary school.
Term 2 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
- Thursday, 16 May: 12:30 pm
- Tuesday, 4 June: 2:00 pm
Child Safety Handbook
Uniform Shop will be open on Friday 10 My for Qkr! Orders only. All orders must be placed via Qkr! no in shop purchases available on the day.