Newsletter Week 6 Term 1 2024
Principal's Message
Important Dates and Reminders
Project Compassion and Hot Cross Bun Day!
Parish Kinder Welcome Mass 2024
Religious Education and Spirituality-Engaging Your Family in Lent
Highway Heroes for Playground Bumps and Hazards
Parents and Friends Association
Community News
Hi Everyone,
Our parent engagement focus this week has been on goal-setting meetings. This is an important part of our assessment and reporting process as the school year progresses.
The staff recognised the importance of bringing these meetings to an earlier point in the year to ensure we get off to a great start.
Thanks to parents, carers and students for participating in this process. Our Kindergarten teachers will meet with parents in the coming weeks - information to follow.
Our next step of the process will be our semester reports in term 2. Parents are always welcome to contact classroom teachers to discuss their child's learning.
Lenten Season and Holy Week
Our season of Lent continues in our Gospel reflections at Monday Assembly and classroom programs. Our focus is on Jesus and his journey to the cross.
The students will reflect on the events of Holy Week from Tuesday, 26 March. Each morning, we will gather to remember Palm Sunday, The Last Supper and the Stations of the Cross.
We will gather again when we return after Easter for our celebration of the Resurrection.
Isaiah's Big Chop
Isaiah in Year 5 has made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating his hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition. There is a donation link below if you would like to support Isaiah.
Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth.
By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need.
Week 7:
Monday 11 March
Corpus Christi Cross Country Trials, Years 2-6. Waratah 1 Oval
(Sport Uniform Years 2-6)
Tuesday 12 March
P & F March Meeting, 6:30pm, School Library
From Wednesday 13 March
NAPLAN Assessments Years 3 and 5
Thursday 14 March
Project Compassion Fundraiser Day
Sunday 17 March
Kinder Parish Welcome Mass 5:30pm
Week 8:
Wednesday 20 March
2025 Kindergarten Open Morning
Friday 22 March
Harmony Day (Out of Uniform - Wear Orange - details to follow)
Week 9:
Tuesday 26 March
Holy Week Liturgy 9am - Hall - Kindergarten
Wednesday 27 March
Holy Week Liturgy 9am - Hall - Stage 2 - Year 3 and 4
Thursday 28 March
Holy Week Liturgy 9am - Church - Stage 3 - Year 5 and 6
Week 10:
Tuesday 2 April
Easter Resurrection Liturgy - Hall - Stage 1 - Year 1 and 2
Week 11:
Friday 12 Arpil
School Athletics Carnival
Staff Developmemt Days (Term 2):
Monday 29 April
Friday 5 July
Engaging Your Family in Lent
Lent is an important time in the liturgical year. Six and a half weeks of preparation through prayer, fasting and almsgiving sets us up for Jesus’ death and resurrection.
For younger kids, Lent is a time when we practice new ways of doing good and making good choice, so we can be closer to God.
Here are some easy tips you can incorporate into your day or week to help young kids to enage in Lent.
1:Talk about Lent.
A great way to begin Lent is to talk with your kids about what Lent is. The roots of Lent go back to the early Church, when those wishing to become Christian would undergo a period of preparation before their baptism. Eventually, the whole Church adopted the practice of renewing baptismal promises through a period of penance and recommitment to Christ.
2:Give up something you enjoy
Jesus fasted for forty days. That is no small amount of time! Fasting and abstinence are the practice of giving up something in order to draw closer to God. Not only does giving something up make room for God, but it puts us in solidarity with those less fortunate around us. For the little ones, maybe give up your favourite type of chocolate or lollies for Lent. For those a little older, try giving something up such as your favourite drinks or soft drinks.
3.Be of Service
Make a renewed and creative effort to help those who you interact with every day. This could be as simple as helping mum bring the shopping bags in from the car after a shopping trip, or volunteering to take the rubbish out.
4. Practice being present
Encourage a commitment to putting down your phones (or other electronic device) whenever someone is present with them. Even better, create phone-free zones around the house, like the dinner table or living rooms.
5. Make a Lenten piggy bank
Have a small jar or Project Compassion box where your kids can put in a coin a day to put towards their chosen charity. If cash isn’t something that is normally lying around, then keep a list of small acts of giving that your kids can perform through the day. Encourage them to keep track of these acts of giving. By Good Friday, count up their acts of kindness and donate a dollar for every act of giving.
From the Diocese
An opportunity to share feedback about Religious Education and Spirituality
In October 2022, the Diocesan Trustees authorised a review of the Religious Education & Spirituality Team supporting schools, and the Diocesan Pastoral Ministries team.
We want to hear directly from our schools and families as well as our clergy, our parishes and our people on this matter.
You’re welcome to share your feedback, vision and voice. Please click here to answer a few questions.
If you ask permission to join in, a refusal is a possibility. In the playground, refusals to play, may be an occurrence your child comes across in their life. Dealing with these Highway Happenings, is an important lesson in coping with disappointments and bouncing back - that is, in being resilient.
However, not all refusals are the same. They can be Normal, Nasty – or even ‘Very
Nasty’ and responding to the latter two is difficult.
Normal Refusals are defined as those where there is no ridicule or abuse of the child; it’s more factual. For example, there’s not the opportunity to join in that game at that particular time, or the child may just need to wait for a turn to speak or to have a go at a toy or equipment.
Nasty Refusals are when it involves criticism and denigration of the child personally or their skills. Responding successfully to a Play Refusal requires skill – which doesn’t come instinctively to most children; it needs to be taught.
The HIGHWAY TOOL of The Triple A’s 4 Refusals has been introduced this week. We are taking the time to unpack in our classrooms, strategies for dealing with playground refusals in all forms. We will be role playing how and when to ASSERT ourselves when unkind refusals occur, how to avoid ARGUING and when ACCEPTING certain situations when a not nasty refusal occurs.
You may wish to have a discussion with your child about the way in which they respond
to Play Refusals. Also incorporating some role plays, would be an excellent way to support your child's social and emotional learning.
Please note: It is acknowledged that some children receive frequent and often nasty play refusals, and for a minority, this may continue from year to year. These
experiences are emotionally damaging and require further investigation.
If a child’s play is disruptive, aggressive, developmentally inappropriate, or consistently unco-operative, these behaviours can be the cause of ongoing rejection, and assistance should be sought. The Term 1 Highway Heros Module will be helpful to any child experiencing peer rejection, but it is not a substitute for a thorough assessment of the difficulty.
Corpus Christi P&F Easter Raffle
The beloved annual P&F Fundraiser is back for 2024!
Easter is fast approaching. The Corpus Christi P&F Association will be conducting their annual fundraising Easter Raffle. The money raised will go towards improvement projects throughout the school.
How it works…
- Corpus Christi Families donate Easter Eggs/Chocolates to contribute to Easter Hampers and Raffle Prizes. A small donation from each family is all that we need. Please place Easter Egg donations into the black plastic crate at the office by Friday 22nd March.
- Families are encouraged to buy raffle tickets, as well as sell raffle tickets to friends, neighbours and family members.
- The Easter Raffle will be drawn at school on Thursday, 28th March, and prizes will be sent home with the winning families that day.
Tickets will be $2 each or 3 for $5 and can be purchased on Qkr! Or by using the physical raffle tickets sent home.
To purchase using the physical raffle tickets, please make sure that you have a name, contactable phone number and child’s class written on the back of each ticket stub (the other half goes to the person purchasing the ticket) and return to school by Friday 22nd March in an envelope labelled with “EASTER RAFFLE” and a student name and class. If the ticket has been sold to a person outside of school, please have a reference to the family who sold the ticket on each ticket stub.
Monday 11th March - Raffle tickets sent home, and online orders open on Qkr!. Chocolate donations open at the school office.
Friday 22nd March - Last day to return raffle tickets, money and donations and purchase on Qkr!.
Thursday 28th March - Raffle drawn - 2:15pm
This is an opportunity for you to ask a neighbour, family or friends to purchase tickets. If you have sold your tickets and wish to have some more, please advise the office who can arrange to have more tickets sent home.
If you do not wish to participate, kindly return the raffle tickets to the school office.
If you have any unwanted clean baskets or Easter gift bags that you would like to donate for wrapping purposes, please put these in the crates as well.
We have several opportunities for parent volunteers in the coming weeks.
In order to volunteer in a Diocesan school, all volunteers are required to complete Volunteer Registration process and be cleared throught the Human Resources department. You can find further information and commence the registration process through this link:
Part of the process will include a National Police Check generated from the Diocesan office, we can assist in the office with scanning of documents etc.
I encourage all parents and carers to register as a volunteer to ensure that you have clearance to participate when an event takes place.
Please contact our school office if you have any questions